Monday, October 20, 2008


Just a quick thought...

The city I would most like to visit at some point in my lifetime is Sofia. The source of my desire is unknown even to myself, other than the fact that the city looks absolutely gorgeous. It is the capital of Bulgaria and is one of the oldest cities in Europe, dating back roughly 7000 years.

The history that is encompassed in the architecture alone is awe-inspiring. The cultural mixture looks like it would be perfect for a sight-seer. You have everything all in one convenient spot. For example the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral is one of the largest Eastern Orthodox cathedrals in the world. Walk around a little more and you'll find the Church of St. George. This is considered the oldest building in Sofia, dating to around 400 A.D.
I think that Sofia would be a wonderful place to visit, even if most college students/graduates that I talk to don't even know it exists. The city set up and diversity would make it an extraordinary destination, despite the reputation Bulgaria has for being a violent stronghold for gangsters.

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