Saturday, November 1, 2008

Moment to vent

I have discovered of late that there are two types of people on social networking websites. The first I like. They are the mothers who post cookie recipes, that turn out to be amazing. They also discuss topics like, how do I make this casserole better? or good Halloween ideas. That's why I haven't pulled off of the website entirely and gone back to good old fashion dead-tree and postage.

The other kind of person on these sites, the more common of the two I might say, can be dubbed the "ranting douchebag that doesn't lend any credence to the conversation and should probably have just read the post and walked away but thought they would be a douchebag instead." Or, for my typing's sake, db. They don't make any sense. When they leave a post, it's just an angry rant. Or they use highly flawed information. These are the kind of people that made recess suck when you were little. They start fights because they like to fight, not because they enjoy discussing relevant issues.

Which begs the question... DO ANY OF YOU F**KING GROWNUPS LIKE TO HAVE GROWNUP F**KING DISCUSSIONS??? No one on does. I know that. I have tried to post twice, once about Israel and the Saudi Peace plan, once about the similarities between Kosovo and Ireland. Both times some jackass would enter the discussion with a comment like "I would never compare Ireland and Kosovo, there [sic] two different countries." And I am left to wonder why that is relevant to what I am asking, and are they utterly and completely mental?

Or, the post starts off angry, then I clarify my point. Then the other poster creates kind of an "oh I get it now." Instead of continuing the discussion, the other posters leave because there isn't going to be a fight. Rather than have an intelligent discussion, these people just want to leave posts using idiot phrases and words too big for their little brains to comprehend correctly.

I apologize for the rant, but sucks for anything but recipes, which it kicks ass for. Get this, I learned how to make peanut butter fudge! NFW right?

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