Last count there were at least 390 Palestinians dead. 220 of these are suspected members of Hamas, leaving 170 civilians, 60+ of which, according to the UN, are women and children. In addition, nearly 2,000 people have been injured so far in the Gaza conflict. But wait, 4 Israelis are dead. Best not be delving into kill ratios. This is all a part of the massive offensive being launched against the citizens of Gaza by the Israeli Defense Force in response to rocket fire from Hamas, "Operation Cast Lead." Or, as I like to refer to it, "Operation Fish in a Barrel."
While I understand the concept of massive retaliation, I do not understand how the government of Israel can say they are only targeting Hamas members. They point fingers at Hamas and say that all they do is target civilians, whereas the IDF is taking the high road and only targeting the militants. They're not doing a very good job of it as of yet.
A sample of targets:
- Graduation ceremony for young police officers
- A police station
- A mosque
- Student dormitories at a university
Those all seem like pretty standard targets in time of war. Can't have peace officers, religion or education muddling things on the ground.
My question is this: If Israel has US backing militarily, how is it that the Israeli forces are trying to kill a pesky mosquito with a shotgun? Could they not use something known as surgical strikes? The area isn't a large one, 41 km long, 6-12 km wide. It's not like the IDF is attempting to invade Siberia. Where are the commandos we hear so much about? The superior Israeli training should take effect now, not superior technology. Send in some of these troops, take out strongholds effectively, and avoid civilian casualties. Or, continue to bomb the crap out of the entire area thus suspending any possibility that the civilian population of Gaza will ever come to view the Israelis as neighbors, as opposed to their tiny version of the Great Satan.
Alas, the IDF is massing ground forces along the border in order to invade as step three, or is it four, of the "Operation Cast Lead." I doubt those forces will ever move. Israel learned its lesson long ago fighting Hizbollah, large groups of ground forces will inevitably fail against an insurgent opposition. Surprisingly, this lesson is still being learned by many governments, despite historical lessons to the contrary. It seems much more effective to send in elite strike forces to take out these targets. Maybe I'm wrong though. And yes, you've probably been wondering if I recognize that the strip is one of the most densely populated areas in the world. I do, and I understand that it has to be difficult for the IDF to avoid civilian casualties. I just don't think their doing everything they can.
Meanwhile, the people of Gaza are starving, dying from lack of medical care and experiencing a deepening of their hatred for Israel. Everyone knows starving an enemy makes them more placid. It's the same with dogs, you starve them and they become much more calm and relaxed.
Also, does anyone think that this has anything to do with upcoming elections in Israel?
Is this slaughter doing anything other than lending ammunition to those that would like to see Israel destroyed? Ahmadinejad's reaction
Oh, and while we're on the topic, Egypt shouldn't open their borders to the Gazans. This would go against everything Arab countries have practiced over the last sixty years. Let the Palestinians cram into tight places, little food, little medicine, little natural resources. That way the Arab countries have something to hold over Israel's head. Sort of their Sword of Damocles.