Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Question for the Candidates

I really think I could make a good president. At least as far as foreign issues went I might. I doubt any presidential candidate in the current race could formulate a reasonable response to the Kosovo question. The basic concept formulated by Woodrow Wilson of self-determination (which was flawed during it's implementation in Latin American countries) was a bad idea in retrospect. The partitioning of countries did turn out to be a bad thing for Europe, especially the Balkans. We see now in European countries a turn away from this partitioning in the EU. If they could implement this strategy of political and economic unity in the Balkans, Catalonia, the Basque region, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, etc. they might be able to make something work. So, if an American presidential candidate could answer with a reasonable thought on this question, I would vote for them.
